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15 February 17:00-19:00Technium, Epicenter Stockholm

Join the Longevity Revolution

In September, we launched the Swedish Longevity Cluster, followed by a Pitch Night, and now it's time for the second one.

JOIN THE AUDIENCE: Tap the button below to Apply for your spot and get ready to dive into a vibrant ecosystem where visionaries converge, investors seek the next big thing, and members shape the future of longevity.

Note that we have limited seats and priority for members of SLC ('Fellows*)

: Want to pitch? Register via this link 

Want to join the Longevity Cluster? Reach out to longevity@epicenterstockholm.com to get more information. 

/ Epicenter Stockholm & Swedish Longevity Cluster

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This is the first step of many to kick-start the longevity industry in the Nordics.

Join us on Linkedin to stay connected.

These are the companies that pitched last time: 

1. SALUTO by Peter Vesterberg - AI for preventive care
2. Vitality Labs by Joakim Bjarke - Worlds 1st Longevity lifestyle system
3. Cognes by Sandra Challma - Scalable screening tool for dementia
4. Metabol AI by Nick Nicksan - Digital twin in healthcare
5. Vitalic by Jonatan Carlsson - Longevity supplements, diagnostic, lifestyle and coaching
6. Gero by Peter Fedichev - AI-driven drug discovery company
7. BIOIO by Tim Peterson - From Mechanism to Longevity

Sign up and show up to explore what's next.

Waiting list

Why a longevity cluster? 

The longevity space is experiencing an explosive growth in the past years. Over $30 B cumulatively in raised capital. There are now over 170 companies working on the problem of aging. +40 clinical trials are in progress. In Silicon Valley Google’s Calico Labs and Jeff Bezos’ Altos Labs dominate the landscape. 

It’s no longer a question if aging will be cured, it’s a question of when.

Despite these exciting developments, the Swedish Longevity Industry remains comparatively modest. 

Together with your participation, we aim to transform this landscape. Stockholm and Sweden, with their significant pharmaceutical sector, world-class universities, and vibrant startup ecosystem, possess unique advantages. 

The market potential is truly global, impacting every individual on the planet. Let’s collectively propel the longevity industry forward – are you with us?

The Swedish Longevity Cluster - About the initiators:

  • Linus Petersson - Longevity Expert and Life Science Engineer.
  • Per Söderström - Healthtech Evangelist, Senior Advisor and Facilitator. Passionate about making the future come faster
  • Henrik Ahlén - E-health specialist and Catalyst. Helping life science organizations identify needs, explore digital possibilities and plan online development projects.
  • Hannes Sjöblad - Venture Builder, Business Advisor and Angel Investor. Passionate about upgrading the human condition

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